All publications

You can also find the articles on my Google Scholar or ORCID profile.

Books and Book Chapters

  1. Liang, H. (2024). Big data analytical methods. In M. M. Skoric & N. Pang (Eds.), Research Handbook on Social Media and Society. Edward Elgar.
  2. Wei, R., Lo, V. H., Huang, Y. H., Dong, D., Liang, H., Huang, G., & Wang, S. (2023). Miscommunicating the COVID-19 pandemic: An Asia perspective. Routledge.
  3. Lu, S., Liang, H., & Masullo, G. (2023). User comments as news quality: Examining incivility in comments on perceptions of news quality. In R. Lawrence & P. Napoli (Eds.), News Quality in the Digital Age. Routledge.
  4. Zhou, B., & Liang, H. (Eds.). (2022). Computational public opinion research in the age of big data: Theories, methods, and applications (大数据时代的计算舆论学:理论、方法与案例). Fudan University Press (复旦大学出版社).
  5. Peng, T. Q., Liang, H., & Zhu, J. J. H. (Eds.). (2019). Special Issue on Introducing Computational Social Science for Asia-Pacific Communication Research. Asian Journal of Communication, 29(3).
  6. Liang, H., & Zhu, J. J. H. (2017). Big data, collection of (social media, harvesting). In J. Matthes, C. S. Davis, & R. F. Potter (Eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

  1. Lu, S., Wei, L., & Liang, H. (2025). Social media policies as social control in Newsroom: A case study of the New York Times on Twitter. Journalism Studies.
  2. Wang, H. H., Cheng, E. W., Chen, X., & Liang, H. (2025). How institutionalized feedback works: Online citizen complaints and local government responsiveness in China. Governance, 38(2), e12907.
  3. Lu, S., & Liang, H. (2024). Silencing online incivility: Examining the effects of impoliteness and intolerance in online political discussions. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 68(4), 538-559.
  4. Lu, S., & Liang, H. (2024). Reactance to uncivil disagreement? The integral effects of disagreement, incivility, and social endorsement. Journal of Media Psychology, 36(1), 15-26.
  5. Lee, F. L. F., & Liang, H. (2024). Multi-ethnicity as a moderator of contextual effects on tolerance: The case of Hong Kong. The Social Science Journal, 61(1), 110-124.
  6. Zhang, Q., Liang, H., Peng, T. Q., & Zhu, J. J. H. (2024). The effect of affordance on deliberation when retweeting: From the perspective of expression effect. Computers in Human Behavior, 151, 108010.
  7. Liang, H., Ng, Y. M. M., & Tsang, N. L. T. (2023). Word embedding enrichment for dictionary construction: An example of incivility in Cantonese. Computational Communication Research, 5(1).
  8. Liang, H., & Lee, F. L. F. (2023). Opinion leadership in a leaderless movement: Discussion of the Anti-Extradition Bill Movement in the “LIHKG” web forum. Social Movement Studies, 22(5-6), 670-688.
  9. Zhang, W. J., Yi, J., & Liang, H. (2023). I cue you liking me: Causal and spillover effects of technological engagement bait. Computers in Human Behavior, 148, 107864.
  10. Liang, H. & Ng, Y. M. M. (2023). The expression effects of uncivil disagreement: The mechanisms of cognitive dissonance and self-perception. Human Communication Research, 49(3), 251-259.
  11. Lu, S., Liang, H., & Masullo, G. (2023). Selective avoidance: Understanding how position and proportion of online incivility influence news engagement. Communication Research, 50(4), 387-409.
  12. Guan, L., Liu, X. F., Sun, W., Liang, H., Zhu, J. J. H. (2022) Census of Twitter users: Scraping and describing the national network of South Korea. PLoS ONE, 17(11): e0277549.
  13. Lee, F. L. F., Liang, H., Cheng, E. W., Tang, G. K. Y., & Yuen, S. (2022). Affordances, movement dynamics, and LIHKG as a centralized communication platform in the 2019 Hong Kong protests. Information, Communication & Society, 25(12), 1699-1716.
  14. Liang, H., & Lee, F. L. F. (2022). Thread popularity inequality as an indicator of organization through communication in a networked movement: An analysis of the LIHKG forum. Chinese Journal of Communication, 15(3), 332-354.
  15. Lee, F. L. F., Cheng, E. W., Liang, H., Tang, G. K. Y., & Yuen, S. (2022). Dynamics of tactical radicalization and public receptiveness in Hong Kong’s anti-extradition bill movement. Journal of Contemporary Asia, 52(3), 429-451.
  16. Guan, L., Liang, H., & Zhu, J. J. H. (2022). Predicting reposting latency of news content in social media: A focus on issue attention, temporal usage pattern, and information redundancy. Computers in Human Behavior, 127, 107080.
  17. Liang, H. (2021). Decreasing social contagion effects in diffusion cascades: Modeling message spreading on social media. Telematics and Informatics, 62.
  18. Liang, H., & Zhang, X. (2021). Partisan bias of perceived incivility and its political consequences: Evidence from survey experiments in Hong Kong. Journal of Communication, 71(3), 357–379.
  19. Huang, G., & Liang, H. (2021). Uncovering the effects of textual features on trustworthiness of online consumer reviews: A computational-experimental approach. Journal of Business Research, 126, 1-11.
  20. Lee, F. L. F., & Liang, H. (2020). Perceived threat of a linguistic community and context effect on attitude toward immigration in Hong Kong. Asian Journal of Social Science, 48(3-4), 250-273.
  21. Peng, T. Q., Liang, H., & Zhu, J. J. H. (2019). Introducing computational social science for Asia-Pacific communication research. Asian Journal of Communication, 29(3), 205-216.
  22. Lee, F. L. F., Liang, H., & Tang, G. K. Y. (2019). Online incivility, cyberbalkanization, and the dynamics of opinion polarization during and after a mass protest event. International Journal of Communication, 13, 4940–4959. Retrieved from
  23. Liang, H., & Fu, K. W. (2019). Network redundancy and information diffusion: The impacts of information redundancy, similarity, and tie strength. Communication Research, 46(2), 250-272.
  24. Liang, H. (2018). Broadcast versus viral spreading: The structure of diffusion cascades and selective sharing on social media. Journal of Communication, 68(3), 525–546.
  25. Liang, H., & Shen, F. (2018). Birds of a schedule flock together: Social networks, peer influence, and digital activity cycles. Computers in Human Behavior, 82, 167-176.
  26. Liang, H., Shen, F., & Fu, K. W. (2017). Privacy protection and self-disclosure across societies: A study of global Twitter users. New Media & Society, 19(9), 1476-1497.
  27. Liang, H., & Fu, K. W. (2017). Information similarity, overload, and redundancy: Unsubscribing information sources on Twitter. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 22(1), 1-17.
  28. Liang, H., & Fu, K. W. (2015). Testing propositions derived from Twitter studies: Generalization and replication in computational social science. PLoS ONE, 10(8), e0134270.
  29. Shen, F., & Liang, H. (2015). Cultural difference, social values, or political systems? Predicting willingness to engage in online political discussion in 75 societies. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 27(1), 111-124.
  30. Liang, H. (2014). The organizational principles of online political discussion: A relational event stream model for analysis of web forum deliberation. Human Communication Research, 40(4), 483-507.
  31. Liang, H. (2014). Coevolution of political discussion and common ground in web discussion forum. Social Science Computer Review, 32(2), 155-169.
  32. Shen, F., & Liang, H. (2014). Do Chinese Internet users care about news? Tracking news consumers on the Internet in a metropolis 2009-2011. Chinese Journal of Communication, 7(1), 60-79.

Public Health & Health Communication

  1. Wei, R., Lo, V. H., Huang, Y. H., Dong, D., Liang, H., Huang, G., & Wang, S. (2023). Miscommunicating the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Asia Perspective. Routledge.
  2. Muniz-Rodriguez, K., Schwind, J. S., Yin, J., Liang, H., Chowell, G., Fung, I. C. H. (2023). Exploring social media network connections to assist during public health emergency response: A retrospective case-study of Hurricane Matthew and Twitter users in Georgia, USA. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 17(e315), 1–9.
  3. Evans, H. I., Handberry, M. T., Muniz-Rodriguez, K., Schwind, J. S., Liang, H., Adhikari, B. B., Meltzer, M. I., Fung, I. C. H. (2023). Winter storms and unplanned school closure announcements on Twitter: Comparison between the states of Massachusetts and Georgia, 2017-18. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 17(e132), 1-9.
  4. Bayliss, L. C., Zhu, Y., Fu, K. W., Mullican, L. A., Ahmed, F., Liang, H., Tse, Z. T. H., Saroha, N., Yin, J., Fung, I. C. H. (2021). Conversing or diffusing information? An examination of public health Twitter chats. Journal of Public Interest Communications, 5(2), 27-47.
  5. Zhu, Y., Fu, K. W., Grépin, K. A., Liang, H., Fung, I. C. H. (2020). Limited early warnings and public attention to COVID-19 in China, January-February, 2020: A longitudinal cohort of randomly sampled Weibo users. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 14(5), E24-E27.
  6. Fung, I. C. H., Blankenship, E. B., Ahweyevu, J. O., Cooper, L. K., Duke, C. H., Carswell, S. L., Jackson, A. M., Jenkins, J. C., Duncan, E. A., Liang, H., Fu, K. W., Tse, Z. T. H. (2020). Public health implications of image-based social media: A systematic review of Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, and Flickr. The Permanente Journal, 24.
  7. Liang, H., Fung, I. C. H., Tse, Z. T. H., Yin, J., Chan, C. H., Pechta, L. E., Smith, B. J., Marquez-Lameda, R. D., Meltzer, M. I., Lubell, K. M., Fu, K. W. (2019). How did Ebola spread on Twitter: Broadcasting or viral spreading? BMC Public Health, 19(1), 438-458.
  8. Fung, I. C. H., Yin, J., Pressley, K. D., Duke, C. H., Mo, C., Liang, H., Fu, K. W., Tse, Z. T. H., Hou, S. I. (2019). Pedagogical demonstration of Twitter data analysis: A case study of World AIDS Day, 2014. Data, 4(2), 1-12.
  9. Jordan, S. E., Hovet, S. E., Fung, I. C. H., Liang, H., Fu, K. W., Tse, Z. T. H. (2019). Using Twitter for public health surveillance from monitoring and prediction to public response. Data, 4(1), 6-25.
  10. Schaible, B. J., Snook, K. R., Yin, J., Jackson, A. M., Ahweyevu, J. O., Chong, M., Tse, Z. T. H., Liang, H., Fu, K. W., & Fung, I. C. H. (2019). Twitter conversations and English news media reports on poliomyelitis in five different countries, January 2014 to April 2015. The Permanente Journal. 23.
  11. Adnan, M. M., Yin, J., Jackson, A. M., Tse, Z. T. H., Liang, H., Fu, K. W., Saroha, N., Althouse, B. M., & Fung, I. C. H. (2019). World Pneumonia Day 2011-16: Twitter contents and retweets. International Health, 11(4), 297–305.
  12. Jackson, A. M., Mullican, L. A., Yin, J., Tse, Z. T. H. T., Liang, H., Fu, K. W., Ahweyevu, J. O., Jenkins, J. J., Saroha, N., & Fung, I. C. H. (2018). #CDCGrandRounds and #VitalSigns: A Twitter analysis. Annals of Global Health, 84(4), 710–716.
  13. Blankenship, E. B., Goff, M. E., Yin, J., Tse, Z. T. H., Fu, K. W., Liang, H., Saroha, N., & Fung, I. C. H. (2018). Sentiment, contents and retweets: A study of two vaccine-related Twitter datasets. Permanente Journal, 22.
  14. Fung, I. C. H., Zeng, J., Chan, C. H., Liang, H., Yin, J., Liu, Z., Tse, Z. T. H., & Fu, K. W. (2018). Twitter and Middle East respiratory syndrome, South Korea, 2015: A multi-lingual study. Infection, Health and Disease, 23(1), 10-16.
  15. Fung, I. C. H., Jackson, A. M., Ahweyevu, J., Grizzle, J., Yin, J., Tse, Z. T. H., Liang, H., Sekandi, J. N., & Fu, K. W. (2017). #Globalhealth Twitter conversations on #Malaria, #HIV, #TB, #NCDS, and #NTDS: A cross-sectional analysis. Annals of Global Health, 83(3-4), 682-690.
  16. Fu, K. W., Liang, H., Saroha, N., Tse, Z. T. H., Ip, P., & Fung, I. C. H. (2016). How people react to Zika virus outbreaks on Twitter? A computational content analysis. American Journal of Infection Control, 44(12), 1700–1702.

Other Publications in Chinese

  1. Liang, H. (2022). Digital media as data and methods (作為數據和方法的數字媒體). Mass Communication and Society (《傳播與社會學刊》), 59, v-vii. (TSSCI)
  2. Zhang, L, Peng, T. Q., Wang, C. J., Liang, H., & Zhu, J. J. H. (2021). A natural course from marginality to centrality: What we learned from the development of computational communication research in China (從邊陲到主流的一條自然路徑:華人計算傳播學者的參與和體驗). In F. L. F. Lee, & Y. Huang (Eds.), Inherit and Inspire: The Past, Present and Future of Chinese Communication Studies (《傳承與創新:中華傳播研究40年》) (pp. 399-419). Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong Press.
  3. Wei, R., & Liang, H. (2021). Thirty years of media effects research (媒介效果研究三十年:和魏然教授對話). Mass Communication and Society (《傳播與社會學刊》), 57, 1-27. (TSSCI)
  4. Zhu, J. J. H., Peng, T. Q., Liang, H., Wang, C. J., Qin, J., & Chen, H. X. (2014). Computational social science in communication research (计算社会科学在新闻传播研究中的应用). e-Science Technology and Application (《科研信息化技术与应用》), 5(2), 3-13. (CSCI)
  5. Xue, K., Liang, H., Chen, X., & Yu, M-Y. (2013). The structure of online public expression and issue rise (网络论坛公共表达与议题上升的结构研究). Journal of SJTU (Philosophy and Social Science) (《上海交通大学学报: 哲学社会科学版》), 21(2), 61-69. (CSSCI)
  6. Xue, K., Chen, X., & Liang, H. (2011). Weibo versus teahouse: The extension of interpersonal communication (微博 VS. 茶馆: 对人际传播的回归与延伸). Contemporary Communication (《当代传播》), 6, 67-70. (CSSCI)
  7. Xue, K., Liang, H., & Yu, M-Y. (2011). The impact of social interaction on hostile media effect (社会互动对敌意媒体效果的影响). Journal of SJTU (Philosophy and Social Science) (《上海交通大学学报: 哲学社会科学版》), 19(6), 39-48. (CSSCI)
  8. Xue, K., & Liang, H. (2009). Social cognition of media image: An analysis of NYT reports on Tibet (基于刻板思维的国家形象符号认知——以《 纽约时报》 的 “西藏事件” 报道为例). Journalism and Communication Research (《新闻与传播研究》), 16(1), 13-18. (CSSCI)
  9. Xue, K., Liang, H., & Yu, M-Y. (2008). An information-balanced model of communication in online forums (基于信息平衡的网络论坛传播模式研究). Journal of SJTU (Philosophy and Social Science) (《上海交通大学学报: 哲学社会科学版》), 4(6), 48-56. (CSSCI)